LI-7825 高精度CO2 同位素/NH3 分析仪

Precise and accurate CO2 isotope measurements–in a portable analyzer

Measure the four most abundant CO2 gas isotopologues with high precision and accuracy with an analyzer so portable, it fits in a backpack. Engineered for mobile monitoring applications and for integration into established soil gas flux monitoring systems, the LI-7825 CO2 Isotope/NH3 Trace Gas Analyzer delivers dependable data, allowing researchers to ask and answer new questions with confidence. By measuring CO2 isotopologues and calculating isotope ratios, researchers can:

  • Identify the sources and sinks of atmospheric carbon
  • Understand how carbon is moving through the Earth’s systems
  • Partition net ecosystem carbon exchange
  • Monitor the impact of human activities on the carbon cycle
  • Assess the effectiveness of climate change mitigation strategies

Built on a proven platform

Backed by over thirty-five years of experience in gas analysis technology, the LI-7825 joins the LI-COR Trace Gas Analyzers trusted by researchers and networks around the world. Our platform uses Optical Feedback-Cavity Enhanced Absorption Spectroscopy (OF-CEAS) paired with patented technologies and innovations to provide a stable analyzer that requires little user maintenance and no factory calibrations – all at a more affordable price than previously available for isotopic measurements.

Learn more about what makes a LI-COR Trace Gas Analyzer different.

LI-7825 CO2 Isotope/NH3 Trace Gas Analyzer profile images

Source attribution with the LI-7825 CO2 Isotope/NH3 Trace Gas Analyzer

Featuring Dave Lowry at Royal Holloway University of London

Expand into long-term soil gas flux research

In addition to atmospheric measurements, you can integrate the LI-7825 with our automated soil gas flux system to take simplified, continuous soil CO2 isotope and flux measurements. Confidently investigate long-term soil carbon cycle dynamics with real-time Keeling-based soil δ13C estimates and automated on-site calibration.

Explore how you can take your CO2 isotope research from the air to the soil.

Learn more

How can you use the LI-7825?

  • Atmospheric monitoring
  • Urban emissions monitoring
  • Mobile emissions monitoring
  • Large area emissions monitoring
  • Sensor networks
  • Mud gas logging


LI-7825 满足甚至超过长期大气本底测量的要求,并提供多种应用的多功能平台,以更好地理解人为和自然源的CO2排放。

图1-4. 来自LI-7825 高精度CO2同位素/NH3分析仪的十天CO2同位素稳定性数据。 在Allan偏差图的数据收集过程中,进行了为期10天的数据收集,在测量标气浓度之前,先将LI-7825开机并通24小时环境空气。正式测试时通过不锈钢管将一个400 ppm的CO2气瓶气体接入LI-7825。







  • 测量技术:光反馈 - 腔增强吸收光谱(OF-CEAS)
  • 测量频率:1 次 / 秒(1Hz)
  • 光腔体积: 6.41 cm3
  • 流速 :
    • 流速 : 250 sccm(标准模式下)
    • 流速 : 70 sccm (连接小流量配件时)
  • 总重量 : 10.5 kg ( 含电池 )
  • 机 箱 尺 寸 :51 cm L× 33cm W× 18 cm H
  • 工作温度: -25℃ ~ 45 ℃(无太阳直射的日常操作环境)
  • 工作湿度:0~85% RH(无冷凝,无太阳直射的日常操作环境)
  • 采样线湿度范围:0~99% RH(无冷凝)
  • 工作气压 : 70 ~ 110 kPa
  • 连接方式 : 以太网和 Wi-Fi(部分国家不适用)
  • Wi-Fi 兼容性 : 2.4 GHz,802.11 a/b/g/n/ac
  • 耗电量:
    • 平稳运行时: 22W@25℃(未充电状态下)
    • 预热期间:最大功率65W(未充电);最大功率100W(电池充电状态下)
    • 关机:由3、4针供电,且在未充电状态下,最大功率2.3W;由1、5针供电,且在未给电池充电状态下,最大功率为0.2W
  • 电源要求:
    • 1 、5针供电(24 VDC 输入):最小为6 A @ 24 V
    • 3、4针供电(10.5~33 VDC 输入):最小为14 A @ 10.5 VDC; 6 A @ 24 VDC
  • 电池续航:典型 8 小时(2 节电池)
  • 污染等级:2
  • 过电压类别: ll
  • 第一类激光产品
  • CO2测量
  • 测量范围: 50~2000 ppm
  • 精 度 (1σ): < 0.05 ppm@400 ppm@ 5 分钟信号平均
  • 响应时间(T10-T90:≤ 2 s @0~400 ppm
  • 最大漂移: 0.5 ppm @ 每 24 小时
  • δ13C测量
  • 精度 (1σ):
    • < 0.5 ‰ @ 1 秒信号平均
    • 0.04 ‰ @ 5 分钟信号平均
  • 最大漂移:每 24 小时 < 1 ‰
  • δ18O测量
  • 精度 (1σ): 0.1 ‰ @400 ppm @ 5 分钟信号平均
  • 最大漂移: 4 ‰@ 每 24 小时
  • δ17O测量
  • 精度 (1σ) : 0.4 ‰ @400 ppm @ 5 分钟信号平均
  • 最大漂移: 12 ‰ @ 每 24 小时
  • NH3测量
  • 测量范围:0~30000 ppb
  • 精度 (1σ):2 ppb @ 300 ppb @ 1 秒信号平均
  • 响应时间(T10-T90): 约5 min*
  • H2O测量
  • 测量范围: 0~60000 ppm
  • 精度 (1σ):
    • 45 ppm @10000 ppm @ 1 秒信号平均
    • 20 ppm @10000 ppm @ 5 秒信号平均





